This app is using free service provided by Bruce Horn, WA7BNM. Its provides detailed information about amateur radio contests throughout the world, including their scheduled dates or times, rules summaries, log submission information and links to the official rules as published by the contest sponsors.


This app requires internet connection.



In the upper right corner you can switch the views between agenda, month and week. Next, in the upper left corner you find the navigation. Depending on the choosen view you can switch between days, months, weeks and etc.

Click on an entry to see the link to the sponsor’s website. You need another click on ‘Info’ to get the clickable version of the link and will be redirect to contest info page. At info contest page, you can share the contest details by clicking the share button.

Some of the official rules might not be in English though the contest is open to all. Use Google Translate or something like that then. Be aware that Bruce Horn, WA7BNM have no influence on the content of all these external pages.


1.421 July 2024-Add feature to share contest info.
-Add separate page for contest details.
-Fix code to view full contest calendar.
-Redirect user to browser after clicking Url.
-Remove unnecessary code.
-Update calendar source.
-Update font typeface.
-Update new app icon.
-Update target API level requirement.
1.3.118 July 2021-Reduce image size.
-Update contact us information.
1.318 November 2020-Add contact us information.
-Update google calender source.
-Update target API level requirement.
1.228 November 2018-Remove unnecessary android permissions.
-Fix code with .html file.
1.113 May 2017-Remove unnecessary files.
-Optimize the code.

Ham Contest is fully designed by using Mit App Inventor 2. Regards, 9W2ZOW.

14 thoughts on “Ham Contest

    1. Hi, Dennis. Thank you for letting me know about the missing contest. Will update the calendar. Regards, 9W2ZOW.

    1. Thank you for using Ham Contest. Sorry for late reply. We already update the server. Now using database from WA7BNM contest calendar.

    1. Hi. Firstly thank you for using Ham Contest. Sorry for the delay. By the way, do you still experiencing the problem?

      Regards, 9W2ZOW.

    1. Hi. Firstly thank you for using Ham Contest. Sorry for the delay. By the way, do you still experiencing the problem?

      Regards, 9W2ZOW.

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